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可能是最热门的跟单网站:ZuluTrade - 知乎

可能是最热门的跟单网站:ZuluTrade - 知乎首发于交易者GP切换模式写文章登录/注册可能是最热门的跟单网站:ZuluTradeGPGP​下了班之后炒炒期权ZuluTrade是一个人气颇高的跟单网站,因为发展较早,聚集了很多信号提供者和跟单者。从我接触到的汇友来说,ZuluTrade名声并不是很好,国内有篇文章写ZuluTrade如何坑人的文章广为流传。今天,我简单说下我的使用经验。我先强调一下我的观点:跟单网站也有靠谱和不靠谱,但更值得讨论的是靠谱和不靠谱的信号。首先,简单逛一下ZuluTrade。ZuluTrade的信号是有排名的,目前排名的第一的GOWITHAFLOW有1400的跟随用户和50万多美金跟随。网站活跃度基本可以秒杀其他跟单平台。进入GOWITHAFLOW的详细界面,有他对于信号的介绍,以及定期他和跟随者的互动(比如解释为什么亏损了)。有盈利曲线,一些统计数据,所有的历史持仓和当前未平仓的头寸。如果你是信号跟随者,你有2个选项。一是注册网站上的模拟账户跟随。然后跟随几个你觉得靠谱的,这个是免费。比如我就跟随了一些,偷窥一下他们的当前持仓。还有一个选项是真实账户跟随。普通的账户是无法用来跟随ZuluTrade信号的,你要注册特殊的账户。所谓的特殊,就是额外会多一个点差,这部分钱会支付给ZuluTrade和信号提供者。那像欧美这种货币,一个点就意味着每开仓0.1手就要多付1美元。大多数外汇经纪商都支持注册这种账户接收ZuluTrade信号。跟单时有很多设置来保护自己,功能之多绝对是跟单网站里最强大的。比如信号提供者回撤到多少净值以下就自动取消跟随等,可以视为跟单时的止损。如果你是交易高手,那么可以考虑在ZuluTrade上发布信号赚上一笔。你可以在ZuluTrade网页上手动输入信号,也可以把mt4的单子同步到ZuluTrade,不过大部分经纪商都不支持这个功能。至少就我知道fxcm,嘉盛,oanda的真实账户都是不能同步信号到ZuluTrade的,fxcm的usddemo01和usddemo02这2个模拟服务器可以。根据我的个人经验,如果有3个月以上的成功交易,你就有可能爬到100名左右。在这之前,如果排名一直在1000名开外,基本是无人问津的。本人在ZuluTrade活动4个多月,最好成绩来到过50名,现在又回到180+。偶尔有人来跟随我,至今收入0.89美元。ZuluTrade的在线客服很靠谱,有问必答,也很耐心。如果有问题可以直接网页上找客服。下面是我对这个跟单网站的深度剖析。。。侧重点可能主要还是想提示风险吧。第一 , ZuluTrade的信号是没有本金的概念的。没有本金的概念,就无法计算回撤和收益率。大家可以问客服他们的收益率和回撤是怎么算的,我问过回撤的计算,我记得是最大的浮动亏损点数除以总的收益点数。回撤和收益率这么重要的东西,你们怎么能自己定义了一个计算公式呢!!很奇葩!第二,不仅没有本金的概念,而且几乎没有钱的概念。他们的曲线是基于点数来算的。这就带来了诸多问题。主流货币对,波动点数都差不多,但是一些非主流货币对以及黄金、油等的波动点数就大的多。比如下图我曾经空过2次黄金,这盈利曲线基本没法看了。然后有些交易信号,仓位不是固定的,那在zulutrade就体现不出来。不管你空的0.1手欧美盈利100点,还是0.5手的欧美盈利20点,理论上是都盈利100美元。但是对ZuluTrade来说,前者盈利了100点,后者才盈利了20点。然后对于同时开3张欧美多单,比如每张单亏损20点,他就显示亏损60点。总之很奇葩。第三,颇受诟病的他们的排名系统。一个新信号经过几个月就能排到前10,但是过了几个月又爆仓了。也就是说他们的排名系统并不能很好的找到优秀的交易信号。不过有些问题,也不是靠跟单网站解决的,跟随者需要自己去发现风险并及时止损。。。下图的VitalSurge2,我亲自看到他2015年连续几个月不是第1就是第2,2016年后大幅波动,当前浮亏1万多点,排名3510。。。除此以外,我觉得通过点差来收费,不是很科学,这只会引诱交易者更频繁的交易,通过月租费更好。不过我之前分享过的fxblue工具,可以避开这种额外的点差收费。最后,再说2句好话。ZuluTrade的主要优点是资源丰富,还有就是不会把mt4的历史记录同步上来,这某种程度减少了交易提供者与经济商的作弊。虽然他的点数统计方法很奇葩,总的来说,还是不错的外汇跟单网站。----------------------------------本专栏主要是分享一些社会化交易和跟单网站,欢迎关注。我的微信公众号(交易者GP)上面内容更多一点,部分文章会一直更新,除此以外也会分享一些交易工具和交易类书籍。微信上的内容搬一些到知乎的专栏,然后知乎专栏上的旧文就不更新了。编辑于 2021-01-18 13:50外汇跟单跟单交易​赞同 11​​11 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录交易者GP分享交易工具,文

7大主流跟单社区介绍,各家优势一目了然 - 知乎

7大主流跟单社区介绍,各家优势一目了然 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册7大主流跟单社区介绍,各家优势一目了然Peppa2006年到2008年,是外汇经纪商和外汇金融科技蓬勃发展的时代,大批投资者进入外汇市场,外汇跟单的概念也应运而生,早期的跟单平台如zulutrade、etoro 就诞生在这几年。到了2015年左右,金融技术取得巨大进步,4G时代的到来也让信息传播更加丰富广泛,外汇跟单社区开始流行起来,它属于社交投资或社交交易的一种。但是大部分人仍将社交交易等同于跟单交易,其实这两者是有区别的,社交交易相比于跟单交易具备更多的 “社交”属性。如今,跟单社区的技术已经趋于成熟,越来越多的投资者通过跟单社区参与到外汇市场中,以下为部分优质的跟单社区介绍,供大家参考。FollowmeFollowme 成立于2015年,拥有先进的 Followtrade 跟随系统、便捷的多账户管理、完善的风控保障以及全方位的社区交流服务,是一个创新型的外汇社区交易平台。其多账户体系,让投资者只需注册一个 Followme 账号,就可以同时管理多个经纪商平台的交易账户。此外,其外汇社交圈为投资者提供了一个良好的交流环境,来自世界各地的外汇交易员在此分享自己的交易策略,感兴趣的用户可以跟随这些交易策略,提高投资收益,同时这些被跟随的交易员也可以获得回报。但是 Followme 对信号没有严格的筛选机制,它与交易员的合作仅限于信号层面。今年5月,Followme 正式取消30%的订阅分成,所有交易员的订阅费以100%结算。OutradeOutrade 社区化交易系统是集交易信号分享、跟随者跟单、社区交流互动为一体的交易平台,是科技提供商 FinPoints 自主研发的产品,它同时支持所有经纪商,可实现云端跨经纪商喊单和跟单。优质的信号源是跟单社区的核心,因此 Outrade 为用户提供多家合作经纪商全部的优质信号,配合系统强大的数据分析功能进行多维度数据分析,帮助用户轻松找到理想的跟单对象。其中 Outrad 多维度数据分析基于全部历史订单和持仓订单,包括收益率、回撤率等重要参考指标,以及品种分析、多空分析、持仓时长分析等多种分析维度。在社区的交易排行榜上,用户可以看到交易高手立体的账号信息,其中收益率排名前六位的交易账号还会直接展示在首页上,避免用户错过优质账号。值得一提的是,Outrade 与 Myfxbook 旗下跟单社区 AutoTrade 建立了合作关系,用户可以共享 AutoTrade 跟单社区中的优质信号源。此外,Outrade 支持 MAM 跟单模式以及 APP 版本。e投睿e投睿(eToro)是全球主打跟单的外汇零售商,提供超过一千种的金融资产交易,远高于行业平均水平的115种。同时,用户可以使用平台的 CopyTrader™ 技术自动跟单顶级交易者的投资组合交易表现,外汇新手可以直接选择其复制基金 CopyProtfolios 进行交易。此外,e投睿与MTE-Media合作,为用户提供在线的学习视频,让新手用户了解外汇知识变得更加简单。但与顶级经纪商相比,e投睿提供的外汇对和差价合约的范围较小,价格比大多数竞争对手贵,而且它不适用 MT4/MT5 平台。富拓 FXTM在 FXTM 富拓跟单交易平台中,投资者可跟单合适的外汇操盘大师并获得一定比例的利润。外汇操盘大师通过分享自己的交易,为跟单客户创造利润从而赚取额外的收入,利润百分比从0%至40%。在外汇操盘大师排行榜上,系统基于风险水平、资金回撤百分比、开放天数、月回报等数据进行排名,用户可了解所有活跃外汇操盘大师的统计数据。此外,由外汇操盘大师撰写的策略描述,可以帮助投资者更好地了解他们的交易风格和目标。外汇操盘大师撰写的策略消息,可为投资者展现其交易策略或交易时间表。MyfxbookMyfxbook 是美国知名的在线外汇交易社区,目前已有超过100家的经纪商公司进驻。作为一家非营利性的第三方分析机构,Myfxbook 专门提供经纪商差价、货币波动和交易者绩效的共享数据,允许客户连接自己的真实或模拟交易账户,其权威性和真实性是毋庸置疑的。Myfxbook 对信号源的要求十分严格,例如账户资金连续三个月不得少于1000美金,交易平均收益要大于平均回撤等诸多要求。但是 Myfxbook 仅做了一些语言的汉化,对于国内用户而言,使用体验不太友好。当前支持的平台有:cTrader, MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, fxTrade/fxTrade Practice, FXCM Trading Station and Strategy Trader。ZuluTradeZuluTrade 由著名的希腊企业家 Leon Yohai 于2007年创立,是一家老牌的外汇跟单社区。ZuluTrade 本身不是经纪商,而是一家跨经纪商平台。因此除了集团自有的经纪商 AAAFX 外,它还有许多其他合作经纪商,从而为平台提供大量的信号源。用户可以使用平台专业的检索工具,从成千上万的信号源中挑选适合自己的交易信号,此外,用户还可以使用模拟账户进行操作,但这会导致平台有许多非专业交易者。除了跟单交易,平台还支持加密货币的跟单。老虎外汇老虎外汇的操作简单,开户快,入金便利且门槛低。平台提供复制跟单功能,只需点击“复制跟单”即可进行交易,如果你的交易成绩出色,当别人通过复制你的交易获利时,你也可以从中获得一定比例的提成。不过平台交易员盈利数据的真实性有待观察,可能存在一定风险。·据部分用户反应,老虎外汇的交易软件经常会有延迟,出金慢等问题,会影响交易的正常进行。以上就是本次对7家外汇跟单社区的简单介绍。可以看到,在外汇跟单社区中,社区一端连接着交易高手(交易信号提供者),另一端连接着普通投资者(跟随者),中间通过社区的筛选机制选出优质的交易信号以供普通投资者选择。此外,投资者还可在社区中与他人交流分享经验,获得相关资讯等。这样的交易模式将交易员、经纪商以及普通投资者完美地连结在一起。这一相同的社区化交易模式也催生出了各具特色的外汇跟单社区,大家只需选择适合自己的跟单社区即可。编辑于 2020-07-01 11:58外汇外汇市场外汇跟单​赞同 20​​17 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

Zulutrade | The leading social copy trading platform.Trade Forex, Stocks, Crypto

trade | The leading social copy trading platform.Trade Forex, Stocks, CryptoChat with us, powered by LiveChatWe're sorry but zullu-trade-website doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to contin

Zulutrade | The leading social copy trading platform.Trade Forex, Stocks, Crypto

trade | The leading social copy trading platform.Trade Forex, Stocks, CryptoChat with us, powered by LiveChatWe're sorry but zullu-trade-website doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to contin

Zulutrade | The leading social copy trading platform.Trade Forex, Stocks, Crypto

trade | The leading social copy trading platform.Trade Forex, Stocks, CryptoChat with us, powered by LiveChatWe're sorry but zullu-trade-website doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to contin

Trade Forex, Commodities, Indices, Stocks & Crypto | Zulutrade

Trade Forex, Commodities, Indices, Stocks & Crypto | Zulutrade

InvestCopy TradingNew to trading? Start investing by copying successful trading strategies Traders FeaturesBenefit from ZuluTrade's unique features. ZuluGuard™ Automator MarketsInstruments Learn more about our available trading instruments. Forex Stocks Crypto CFD Commodities Indices ToolsMake use of these tools to help with your investments. Live Prices Charts Zuluscripts Calculators Calendar LearnHelpFind out more from our help centre or watch our tutorials to get you started. Help Center Tutorials BlogCheck out the latest news from the markets and expand your knowledge from our blogs. Market News Knowledge Crunch New Features Trading Floor AboutAbout UsHave a look at what we're about and how you can join us. Company Careers PartnershipsPartner with us. Affiliate Program Trader Program Broker Partnerships Social Feed New Login Register Investing made easy with Copy Trading!Go long or short? Go Zulu!Join the most transparent social trading network! Copy Top Performing Traders from different Brokers easily and reach your investment goals!Join NowTruth is...Trading is not easy Studying the market takes time Building and maintaining a trading strategy is hard That’s why only 11-26% of manual investors end up winning.Beat the odds with Copy TradingDid you know that 73 % of our investors make profit when copying top traders correctly?Explore ZuluTrade’s StatisticsTry it YourselfHow it worksTraders join ZuluTrade, connect their account and share their trading strategyZuluTrade ranks Traders

based on performance, stability, behavior and outlookInvestors select the Traders to copy

according to their investment capital and risk appetiteCreate AccountZuluTrade's Top TradersNo time to hand pick Traders? Go autopilot with Combos+! If you’re overwhelmed by trader choices, let us do the selection & management for you.

Simply select the Combo+ that you want to follow and we’ll take it from there!Win-Win & transparent

Pay traders only for generated profits Simple & Worry-freeAutomatic Monitoring & Portfolio rebalancing from our team Professionally Managed & LicensedBy our Certified Portfolio Management TeamCreate Account Wide variety of instrumentsWhether you CopyTrade or Trade manually, we support the trading of Currency Pairs.

If you are an advanced investor and prefer manual trading, you are always able to customize your settings or trade with a variety of advanced tools.View AllMost PopularForexCommoditiesIndicesStocksCryptocurrenciesWhy ZuluTradeTransparencyTransparency is in our DNA.All performance data is shared openly with everyone! Plus there are no hidden feesInnovationOur in-house team constantly analyzes your needs, to provide new features and optimise your trading experience, always thinking outside the box!Customer OrientationWe are all here for you!

Reach our highly rated Customer Service 24/5 via chat, phone or email!Learn by CopyingTraders explain their strategy and answer investors' questions - valuable introduction for beginners that want to learn from experts with validated track records!Social FeaturesOur social tools let you interact with Traders and fellow Investors, ask, learn and share!Unique Advanced FeaturesDiscover Backtest, automate monitoring and actions with Automator and apply apply advanced Copy Settings. We enable advanced users to get control and apply their ideasCreate Account Copy Top Traders from Brokers around the world Hustle-free Investing using our Portfolio Management Service with Combos+ Transparent Fair pricing - compensate traders with your earnings Highly rated 24/5 Customer Service motivated for your success Licensed and Regulated in the EU, Japan and USAJoin us at ZuluTradeAuto-fill your personal details usingor fill manuallyFirst NameLast NameEmail AddressPasswordSelect a CountryPhone Number I have read and I accept the Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy and the Declaration of Consent of ZuluTrade. I'm ready to invest real fundsCreate Real AccountI want to try with virtual funds firstCreate Demo AccountAlready have an account? Sign in instead. Join as a Trader Join as an AffiliateThis website uses cookies. You can read about our cookie usage. By closing this banner or continuing to use the website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our Cookies Policy. RegisterSupported BrokersBlog HelpHelp CenterTrading HoursVideo TutorialsTrading GuidesInvestors' GuideSend Feedback InfoAbout UsCareersPrivacy PolicyRisk DisclaimerTerms Of ServiceContact UsPlatformsSitemap ProgramsAffiliate ProgramAffiliates Program GuideTrader ProgramTrader GuidePartnership Program FeaturesCryptosUserListsTradeWallCalendarForex ToolsAutomatorZuluGuard™Follow us on© Copyright ZuluTrade This site is not intended to be a solicitation of transactions to customers living in the United States of America. Trading spot currencies involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Because the risk factor is high in the foreign exchange market trading, only genuine "risk" funds should be used in such trading. If you do not have the extra capital that you can afford to lose, you should not trade in the foreign exchange market. Forex Brokers and ZuluTrade are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices or there may be a cost to initiate a trade through the bid/ask spread. Profit sharing accounts are subject to a monthly performance fee per selected trading system. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. Please check our {{0}}full disclaimer{{1}}. [1]  The Futures Commission Merchant ("FCM") and ZuluTrade are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices or there may be a cost to initiate a trade through the bid/ask spread. Signing up is totally free, and there is NO contract and NO monthly fees, ever. [2]  Past performance is not indicative of future results. This website does not make any representation whatsoever that the above mentioned trading systems might be or are suitable or that they would be profitable for you. Please realize the risk involved with trading Forex investments and consult an investment professional before proceeding. The trading systems herein described have been developed for sophisticated traders who fully understand the nature and the scope of the risks that are associated with trading. Should you decide to trade any or all of these systems' signals, it is your decision. The performance results displayed on this website are hypothetical in that they represent trades made in a demonstration ("demo") account. The trades placed in the demo account take into consideration the spread between the bid and ask prices which would have been paid by a trader if an actual trade was made. Transaction prices were determined by assuming that buyers received the ask price and sellers the bid price of quotes provided by a large Forex broker.

Trade Forex, Commodities, Indices, Stocks & Crypto | Zulutrade

Trade Forex, Commodities, Indices, Stocks & Crypto | Zulutrade

InvestCopy TradingNew to trading? Start investing by copying successful trading strategies Traders FeaturesBenefit from ZuluTrade's unique features. ZuluGuard™ Automator MarketsInstruments Learn more about our available trading instruments. Forex Stocks Crypto CFD Commodities Indices ToolsMake use of these tools to help with your investments. Live Prices Charts Zuluscripts Calculators Calendar LearnHelpFind out more from our help centre or watch our tutorials to get you started. Help Center Tutorials BlogCheck out the latest news from the markets and expand your knowledge from our blogs. Market News Knowledge Crunch New Features Trading Floor AboutAbout UsHave a look at what we're about and how you can join us. Company Careers PartnershipsPartner with us. Affiliate Program Trader Program Broker Partnerships Social Feed New Login Register Simplify the trading experience and make it accessible to all. Who we areWe are ZuluTrade, a FINVASIA Group company and one of the most innovative Copy & Social Trading platforms in the world - proud to be one of the most transparent.We offer a smooth and simplified Copy Trading experience with exciting options like Traders, Combos and Investment Baskets across multiple instruments including Cryptos, Stock CFD’s Forex, Commodities and Indices.

Our vision is to become the world‘s largest social trading community on the globe, offering customer-focused investment solutions and an open environment, where traders on a global level can connect to any trading platform and share their knowledge.Our Story2007 ZuluTrade begins as an idea in Charlottesville, Virginia to make Forex Trading accessible and easy for everyone. Copy Trading, the concept of copying trades from another investor was the core aim of a truly transparent, fair win-win trading ecosystem 2008 ZuluTrade creates software that at the time was still in beta testing, that connected to FXCM's API and allowed a basic form of copy trading strategies for investors. Marking the official beginning of ZuluTrade. 2009 ZuluTrade reaches the milestone of getting over thousands of growing signal provider portfolios whose trading strategies could be copied by the platform's user base. Making it the first company of its kind to reach such high levels of success within the trading community. 2011 The company unveils several new features including the ability to follow other followers (rather than just signal providers) and the requirement for signal providers to be profitable to receive payment. 2013 ZuluGuard™ launches - an account protection feature that monitors each Trader's behaviour and automatically removes a Trader when detecting a trading strategy that has deviated from its expected loss profile. 2014 ZuluTrade expands to Asia and launches its collaboration with local FX retail brokers. ZuluTrade Japan Co Ltd was born our of this as a subsidiary. 2015 The ZuluTrade Group is awarded an EU Portfolio Management License from the European Union. The designation made the company a licensed portfolio management company in the EU. 2017 ZuluTrade introduces Cryptos CopyTrading that allowed Investors to join a rapidly growing market by following experienced CryptoTraders from all over the world. 2018 Launch of Combos - diversified Strategies built from combinations of our best Traders that would require 0 manual intervention from the Investor. 2019 Profit Sharing is introduced as a new account type for Investors. This new account type allows the Investor to pay the Trader only if their strategy is profitable and Traders on the other hand would be further motivated to have a profitable Strategy. 2020 Stocks CFDs and our new follow trading model were introduced to make our platform a true multi-investment social trading platform. 2021 Key partnerships with top global industry brokers. Key features such as Investment Baskets, New Combos and Crypto Payments were launched. 2021 ZuluTrade joins Finvasia Group in December of 2021 and a new era of our company begins. Meet our TeamSarvjeet Singh VirkCo-Founder & CMDFinvasia GroupTajinder VirkCo-Founder & CEOFinvasia GroupDimitris LathourasCFOZuluTrade GroupPadelis AndreadisIT DirectorChristos StefanouHead of BackEnd EngineeringAntonis MetaxasHead of Portfolio Management & Traders Community ManagerOur Brokers show all This website uses cookies. You can read about our cookie usage. By closing this banner or continuing to use the website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our Cookies Policy. 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Forex Brokers and ZuluTrade are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices or there may be a cost to initiate a trade through the bid/ask spread. Profit sharing accounts are subject to a monthly performance fee per selected trading system. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. Please check our {{0}}full disclaimer{{1}}. [1]  The Futures Commission Merchant ("FCM") and ZuluTrade are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices or there may be a cost to initiate a trade through the bid/ask spread. Signing up is totally free, and there is NO contract and NO monthly fees, ever. [2]  Past performance is not indicative of future results. This website does not make any representation whatsoever that the above mentioned trading systems might be or are suitable or that they would be profitable for you. Please realize the risk involved with trading Forex investments and consult an investment professional before proceeding. The trading systems herein described have been developed for sophisticated traders who fully understand the nature and the scope of the risks that are associated with trading. Should you decide to trade any or all of these systems' signals, it is your decision. The performance results displayed on this website are hypothetical in that they represent trades made in a demonstration ("demo") account. The trades placed in the demo account take into consideration the spread between the bid and ask prices which would have been paid by a trader if an actual trade was made. Transaction prices were determined by assuming that buyers received the ask price and sellers the bid price of quotes provided by a large Forex broker.